Tips for a Zero Waste Party
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Hosting a part any time soon? Or helping a friend out? Keep a few of these tips in mind so that you can still have a great time whilst...
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New stockists! Are they near you?
11 months and 21 stockists later! We are proud of our journey so far and are glad to share with you that we are popping up all over the...
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Tips for a zero waste breakfast
Breakfast is rightfully the most important meal of the day for a number of reasons, including the fact that it gets our body and brain...
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50,000 steps in 12 hours for the Whales & Dolphins!
My boyfriend and I challenged ourselves to walk 50,000 steps in 12 hours in order to fundraise for Whale and Dolphin Conservation. We...
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3 New Zero Waste Stockists!
You can now find Anastasia's Pantry granolas in Isle of Wight, Sussex and Greenock, Scotland. How exciting! Her Whey, Buy The Weigh and...
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Who is the founder of Anastasia's Pantry?
Anastasia's Pantry gets every ounce of my time and energy and you know what? I love working around the clock to provide the absolute best...
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We are raising awareness for Whale & Dolphin conservation!
Did you know that dolphins and whales produce 50% of the world's oxygen? Yep, that's right. We NEED these beautiful creatures! So let's...
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Join Us in Plastic Free July!
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have...
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Breakfast Tiramisu Parfait recipe
Tiramisu is a beautiful and classic dessert but who's to stop from having a breakfast version? That's right. Breakfast just got a whole...
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Why we don't use palm oil and you shouldn't either.
Anastasia's Pantry is a brand that is very firm on it's ethical values which includes our views on palm oil. Find out why environmentally...
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Zero Waste Kitchen Tips
The aim of a zero waste kitchen is not to have the least amount of things out of everyone you know - it is to own things that are...
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New Stockists! Zero waste shops & Coffee shop
Last time you read a blog post about stockists we had 4 incredible zero waste shops selling our vegan granola. I am proud to inform you...
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Delicious vegan protein pancake recipe! Don't miss out!
Who doesn't love a yummy plate of pancakes on a Sunday morning? They are such a versatile base to host all of your favourite toppings,...
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2 New Stockists Alert - Zero waste shops!
Anastasia's Pantry has partnered up Your Nuts Wholefoods based in Holmfirth, Huddersfield and Eco Be in Dorking, Surrey to make plastic...
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Reduce food waste today!
Does your household waste food and you might feel a little guilty about it? Great! This is the blog for you. Whether it is huge heaps or...
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Top tips for zero waste gardening - indoor or outdoor
Gardening is a wonderful gift and it can be done whether you have a garden or not (take it from someone who hasn't had a garden in 3...
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Vegan scones recipe!
I'm curious. How many of you challenged yourself to Veganuary? How many of you stayed vegan? How many of you help the planet without...
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New Partnerships & Stockists!
At Anastasia's Pantry, I strive to make a difference in this world and positively impact lives everyday whether that is by providing a...
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What's so great about Chia seeds?
The answer to that is - health benefits. This blog post is going to take you through the main health benefits that Chia seeds provide and...
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Healthier version of peanut satay sauce
This particular dish seems to have a daunting effect on some but it's super easy, healthy and delicious peanut satay that takes only a...
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