Anastasia's Pantry gets every ounce of my time and energy and you know what? I love working around the clock to provide the absolute best to YOU, my loyal customers and to my zero waste stockists. Here's a little bit about how I started, what I learned and how I see this company in the future.
When I started..
As corny as this sounds, it wasn't a gamble to put all my efforts and money in building this company because I knew that people would love our granolas (and now protein balls!). I am a firm believer that if you work hard, you will be rewarded. The only doubt that I had was how quickly I could grow and gain exposure without a marketing budget and solely relying on the good heart of people to spread the word. Let me tell you.. do not underestimate social media!
Inevitably I made countless mistakes as it is all a learning curve setting up a business in the
pandemic. However, my biggest concern was to avoid mistakes that would affect anyone but myself and my finances. The best advice I can give to anyone thinking of starting a small business is just start. Start messy but start. I had the most basic packaging, no website, no budget for anything really. I am so glad that I started when I did because not only do your customers advise you on how to improve their consumer journey but they accompany you as you grow which builds an invaluable relationship.
How it's going..
Anastasia's Pantry is growing month on month and I couldn't be more excited! We have 8 stockists of which 7 are zero waste shops that help make a difference on this planet. Our brand ambassadors weekly create some deliciously amazing creations for you all to gain some inspiration from. We have recently launched our protein balls which have become such a hit and we have much more exciting news down the pipeline so make sure to stay tuned!
My vision for the future..
Primarily, my goal is for people to be aware of our brand from all over the UK, grow our loyal customer base and stockists. This company will be one of the most popular choices in supplying granola to zero waste stores and later down the line, our protein balls. The most fulfilling part of my job however, is making an impact on our environment. Whether that is through educating our audience on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle, raising money for charities and supporting eco-friendly suppliers and zero waste stores.
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